Downloads of QWinFF are hosted at SourceForge:
Latest stable QWinFF release is 0.2.1 on 2015-08-22 (changelogs)
Translation files included in the release are sometimes out-of-date because they are frequently updated. You can download the latest translation files (20140210) and copy all the *.qm
files to the translation file directory (typically /usr/share/qwinff/translations on GNU/Linux and C:\Program Files (x86)\QWinFF\translations on Windows).
QWinFF depends on the following programs at runtime:
- ffmpeg (required)
- ffprobe (required)
- ffplay or mplayer (optional, for previewing audio/video cutting)
- sox (optional, for adjusting audio speed)

Source Code
QWinFF 0.2.1 Source Code (tar.bz2)QWinFF 0.2.1 Source Code (tar.gz)
Or you can get latest development version from git repository:git clone 'git://'

QWinFF 0.2.1 Installer: install QWinFF on your computerQWinFF 0.2.1 Portable: Portable version that doesn’t require installation (7zip sfx)

PPA for QWinFF is available at You can install from the ppa by the following command:sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lzh9102/qwinff
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qwinff

QWinFF packages for openSUSE are provided via openSUSE Build Service repositories. Supported releases are- openSUSE 13.2
- openSUSE 13.1
- openSUSE 12.3
- openSUSE 12.2
- openSUSE 12.1
# get opensuse release
RELEASE=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | sed -n "s/VERSION = \(.*\)$/\1/p"`
# add repositories
sudo zypper addrepo$RELEASE/ packman
sudo zypper addrepo${RELEASE}/home:lzh9102.repo
sudo zypper refresh
# install qwinff
sudo zypper install qwinff

QWinFF packages for Fedora are also available via openSUSE Build Service. The following releases are supported currently:- Fedora 20
- Fedora 19
- Fedora 18
- Fedora 17
NOTE: FFmpeg is not included in the official repository of Fedora. The recommended way to install ffmpeg on Fedora is using the rpm-fusion repository.
The complete installation process is as follow:
# get fedora release
RELEASE=`cat /etc/fedora-release | grep -o '[0-9][0-9]*'`
# install rpm-fusion (for ffmpeg)
sudo yum install \
# add qwinff repo
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo \
# install qwinff
sudo yum install qwinff

OS/2 & eCS
QWinFF for OS/2 & eCS(eComStation) is now available here.To install QWinFF on OS/2 or eCS, the required packages are:
- Qt Runtime Library
- kLIBC / GCC Runtime Library
- FFmpeg (any version should work)
- SoX (tested only with this version)
All these packages (dynamic libs and executables) need to be in
and in PATH
statements of the OS/2 or eCS CONFIG.SYS
file.It is possible then to put a “shadow“ (similar to a link for unix systems) on the desktop or where the user desires. To start QWinFF, Double-click on the icon, or simply run
in an OS/2 command line window.The runtimes listed above can be also installed via
and yum
, but those are only for eComStation and are still in development-stage (also the repository), you can get more infomation on this wiki.